Acerca de
Philip Ponella - Curriculum Vitae
Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut​​​. Master of Library Science, 1994.
The Hartt School, University of Hartford, West Hartford, Connecticut. Master of Music (Cum Laude). Full Scholarship recipient. 1990.
The Hartt School, University of Hartford, West Hartford, Connecticut. Bachelor of Music. (Magna cum Laude).1988.
Sparta High School, Sparta, New Jersey. Diploma. 1984.
MOR Associates. IT Leadership Training, 2014.
Council on Library and Information Resources and EDUCAUSE. Frye Leadership Institute (competitive selection). Atlanta, Georgia. 2003.
EDUCAUSE. New Directors Workshop. Seminars on Academic Computing. Snowmass Village, Colorado. 2002.
EDUCAUSE. Leadership Institute. Boulder, Colorado. 2001.
EDUCAUSE. Management Institute. Palm Springs, California. 2000.
2020 - Present. Chief Digital Officer; Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
2020 - 2022: Assistant to the Dean for Administration; Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
2006 - Present. Director, Music Information Technology Services, Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
2004 – Present: Director, William and Gayle Cook Music Library. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
2001 – 2004: Director, Information Technology Services--Academic Technology. University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
1999 – 2001: Assistant Director, Information Technology Services--Academic Technology. University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
1997 – 1999: Director of Technology and Media Production. Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
1994 - 1997: Head of Public Services. Sibley Music Library, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
1990 – 1994: Circulation/Public Services Assistant. Allen Music Library, The Hartt School, University of Hartford, West Hartford, Connecticut.
2005 -- 2020: Instructor, M539, Graduate Music Bibliography. Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
2005 -- Present: Instructor, Z655, Seminar in Music Librarianship. Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
2004 -- 2009: Administrative Coordinator, Specialization in Music Librarianship, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
2004: Instructor, ALC241, Tune In, Log on, and Drop out. Institute for Music Leadership, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
2003: Instructor, ALC 241, Digital Portfolio Creation. Institute for Music Leadership, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
1996 -- 1998: MHS480, Graduate Music Bibliography. Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
1992 -- 1997: Abstractor. Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale.
1991 -- 1994: Adjunct Faculty Member, Associate in Clarinet. The Hartt School, University of Hartford, West Hartford, Connecticut.
1990 -- 1991: Manager/Orchestral Librarian. Connecticut Youth Symphony, West Hartford, Connecticut.
1988 -- 1990: Manager/Librarian. Hartt Wind Symphony, The Hartt School, University of Hartford, West Hartford, Connecticut.
Presentations at Professional Meetings, Colloquia, Seminars etc. :
August 2023: Presenter, International Association of Music Libraries. Cambridge, England. “Preservation of, Access to, and Pedagogy with Digital Audio and Video at Indiana University.”
April 2023: Presenter, Global Digital Music Studies Conference 2023. CUNY Graduate Center, NY, NY. “Preservation of, Access to, and Pedagogy with Digital Audio and Video at Indiana University.”
November 2015: Presenter, Arts Administration Symposium, Indiana University. "Innovation in the Arts."
July 2014: Co-Presenter, International Association of Music Libraries. Antwerp, Belgium."Music score processing: Greater efficiency through analysis." (with Charles Peters).
May 2014: Presenter/Panelist, International meeting of the Music Encoding Initiative, Charlottesville, Virginia. "From scholar to user via MEI: Digital editing and publishing vis-à-vis library ways and means."
May 2014: Presenter, Indiana University Libraries In-House Institute. Bloomington, Indiana. "IU's Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative." (with Nazareth Pantaloni, Sherri Michaels and Julie Hardesty)
April 2011: Presenter, Northeast Region NERCOMP event, "Stepping into the Digital Media Paradigm: Preserving Unique Collections, Sharing Resources and Creating new IT-Library-Faculty Partnerships." Boston, Massachusetts. "The Variations Digital Music Library."
February 2011: Co-Presenter, Music Library Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "Updating Judy Marley's Survey, 'Education for Music Librarianship within the United States: Needs and Opinions of Recent Graduate/Practitioners'."
February 2011: Presenter, Music Library Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "Variations...Not Just Indiana University's Digital Music Library Anymore."
​March 2010: Panelist/Presenter, Plenary Session. Annual Meeting of the Music OCLC Users Group. San Diego, California. "Taiga, NextGen, and a Brave New World for Accessing Music."
April 2009: Co-Presenter, (with Jon Dunn and Robert H. McDonald) Coalition for Networked Information Spring 2009 Task Force Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. "Open Source Software Sustainability: A Case Study of Indiana University's Variations Software."
February 2009: Co-Presenter, (with Travis Gregg) Music Library Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois. "The Variations Digital Music Library: Creating a New Digital Model for Live Performance Recording and Delivery."
October 2008: Co-Presenter, (with Mark Notess and Jon Dunn) Pre-Conference seminar, Educause Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida. "Streaming Music for Teaching and Learning: A Hands-On Introduction to Variations."
July 2008: Presenter, International Association of Music Libraries Archives and Documentation Centers. Naples, Italy. "New Skills for Music Librarians."
May 2008: Co-Presenter, (with Konrad Strauss) Indiana University Librarians’ Day Innovation in Libraries. "A New Digital Model for the Recording and Delivery of Audio."
February 2008: Presenter, Music Library Association Annual Meeting. Newport, Rhode Island. "The Legal and Practical Intricacies of Licensing Music Materials in the Digital Realm and a Call for Common Sense."
February 2008: Poster Session Co-Presenter, (with Mark Notess) Music Library Association Annual Meeting. Newport, Rhode Island. "The Variations3 Project at Indiana University."
March 2007: Invited Speaker, ENOMA: European Network of Online Musical Archives, Grieg Academy of Music, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. "Variations2: The Digital Music Library Project at Indiana University."
February 2007: Guest speaker, DRAM Open Forums, Music Library Association/Society for American Music, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "Variations3 integration with Commercial Services."
November 2006: Panelist, Joint meeting, American Musicological Society/Society for Music Theory. Los Angeles, California. "Enhancing Your Course Through Technology: Inside and Outside the Classroom."
October 2006: Presenter, Educause Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas. "Variations2: The Digital Music Library Project at Indiana University – and the beat goes on." [Cancelled due to illness]
August 2006: Panelist, Seminars on Academic Computing, Snowmass, Colorado. "Director’s Toolbox."
March 2006: Participant, Institute for Museum and Library Services, Outcome Based Evaluation. Washington, D.C.
February 2006: Presenter, Music Library Association Annual Meeting. Memphis, Tennessee. "10 Years of Variations."
July 2005: Presenter, International Association of Music Libraries Archives and Documentation Centers. Warsaw, Poland. "Training to Deliver Digital Library Services."
November 2004: Co-presenter, Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers. Madison, New Jersey. "Managing Public Printing at the University of Rochester."
June 2004: Co-Presenter, NERCOMP Special Interest Group: “Help Desk: The Many Flavors of Tech Support”, Boston, Massachusetts. "Combining Audio-Visual and Computing Support at the University of Rochester."
August – October 2003: Co-presenter, various University of Rochester forums. "Deception, Slight of Hand, and Misdirection: Is it ok to share my music and video files?"
March 2002: Co-presenter, NorthEast Regional Computing Program (NERCOMP), Worcester, Massachusetts. "When Expectations Exceed Capabilities: The New Balancing Act."
February 1997: Co-presenter, Music Library Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. "Music in the Next Generation of Library Systems."
October 1995: Panelist, Joint Meeting, New York State/Ontario - New England Chapter, MLA, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont. "The Evaluation of Bibliographic Instruction."
April 1995: Presenter, SUNY OCLC Spring Meeting, Nazareth College, Rochester, New York. "How a Specialized Library makes use of OCLC's FirstSearch."
Articles, Interviews etc.:
​2010: Co-Author, Music Library Association Response to Taiga Forum's "Provocative Statements."
​2009: Quoted/interviewed by numerous news outlets regarding donation of Leonard Bernstein’s composition studio to the IU Jacobs School of Music.​
2008: Article: Stephanie Krueger and Philip Ponella. “DRAM/Variations3: a music resource case study.” Library Hi Tech Vol. 26, No. 1, 2008.
​2007: Interviewee, Educause Annual Conference. Seattle Washington. Selected for interview for an E07 Podcast.
2005: Quoted extensively in, “The Promise of Online Music.” Library Journal, June 1, 2005.
2003: Article included in, MENC: The National Association for Music Education book publication, Spotlight on Technology in the Music Classroom.
2000: Article: “Technology Fits”, Kansas Music Review, April 2000.
Numerous University Committees/Taskforces.
Service to National/International Organizations includes:
2009-2010: National Recorded Sound Preservation Plan, Copyright, Preservation and Public Access Task Force.
2011: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Grant Review Panelist for the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program.
​2009: International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Document Centers (IAML) US Branch, Chair, Nominating Committee.
2009: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Grant Review Panelist for the applications in the Humanities Collections and Reference Resources category of the Music and the Performing Arts grant program.